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Wednesday, August 22, 2012


This is an expansion of an E that I sent to Harry Bloy, MLA for burnaby-lougheed.
If a politician, or a political party wants my vote in the forth coming election, they must:
A: PROMISE to do away with the HST.
B: PROMISE not to replace the HST with; GST, PST, or any other tax.
C: PROMISE to allow stores to sell incandescent light bulbs.
D: PROMISE to prevent off shore drilling?
E: PROMISE to allow ICBC to license electric cars?
F: PROMISE to roll back Vince Ready’s decision regarding the film industry’s union contracts.
G: PROMISE to enforce the `No Cel phone while driving’ law.
H: PROMISE to change the law to include non electronic items such as; lipstick, notebooks, pocketbooks, flutes, etc.
I: PROMISE to tell us what their position is on all things that matter and not waste our time listening to them running down their opponent(s).
If they are not prepared to entertain any of the above legislative changes then they won’t see me at the polls and we will have another non-popular govt.
Lee A. Wood


I started my website about 15 yrs. ago.  I now have over 1,500 pages and over 150,000 photos and I have always stuck to hand built HTML so that people with really old computers can read it even if they can’t see the pictures.
I had two websites, that were mirrors of each other.  A year or so ago I separated them so that one had stuff that I don’t add to very often and the other had the stuff that I regularly add to.
Recently the rent came up on the domain name for Bear’s Page so I dropped it and added its contents to Lee’s Page.
When I did this the HTML changed on the home page for my novel .
In the middle of the page I have two lists. In each list I separate the items with <p><li>
This caused them to run, on the page, one below the other.
However, for some reason, after I added that page to Lee’s Page the fist list now runs at an angle across the page in 3 separate groups.
The second list stayed the same. Although it laps over onto the fist group so I would like to separate them.
I kind of like the way it is now but I don’t understand where all the `table html’ came from and I need to change it to separate the bottom list from the top list and to make a split between Chpt. 10 and 11.
I have tried several times but all I do is screw it up.
I was wondering if you have any suggestions?
The HTML used to look like this (and still does for the second list).
<p><li>To download Acrobat Reader, <a href=""><img src="/h/no/a/a1.jpg" border="0" height="19" width="55"> click here.</a>
<p><li>To download the <a href="/h/no/FeroE.pdf"><img src="/h/no/a/fs.jpg" width=110 height=95 align=middle alt="(Book titled `Fero' between bookends)"> entire novel as an E File,</a> (For E Book reader) 
Now the HTML for the first list looks like this
<li><a href="/h/no/ch11.html">Chapter Eleven  CHARENE `54</a>
 <p><table border="0" cellspacing="0" align="left"><tr>
<th><img src="/h/no/a/11s.jpg" width="110" height="106" border="0" alt="Monk">
<p>Her life, as a Monk, until she moves to Canada and meets Trevor.  
<li><a href="/h/no/ch12.html">Chapter Twelve  TREVOR</a>
<p><table border="0" cellspacing="0" align="left"><tr>
<th><img src="/h/no/a/12s.jpg" width="110" height="105" border="0" alt="prison guard">
<p>Joins the Wolseley Expedition to Ft. Garry.  Becomes a prison guard, meets Charene.  Joins the N.W.M.P. `March West' to Ft. McLeod, spring of 1874.