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Tuesday, January 11, 2011


The level of; health car, education, etc. is not high, and has not increased since we gained HST. These items were always overfunded before we had HST and are still below par despite being over funded.

HST has not increased the budget to any government departments but has done a great deal to decrease the spending of the average citizen, and tourist, which is harming our economy.

By doing away with HST the average person would be in a better position to buy consumer goods such as homes and groceries which would stimulate the economy.


Lee Wood,

I have read over your demands of an elected official to promise the 9 items below to gain your future support. I challenge you to present your suggestions to replace the revenue lost from the HST to pay for the items we use. Items like Health Care, Education etc that are important and that we need to make sure that the level of service remains high. Just interested in your input.

Bernie Hiller
Constituency Assistant
Douglas Horne
MLA Coquitlam - Burke Mountain

Friday, January 07, 2011


This is an expansion of an E that I sent to Harry Bloy, MLA for burnaby-lougheed.
If a politician, or a political party wants my vote in the forth coming election, they must:
A: PROMISE to do away with the HST.
B : PROMISE not to replace the HST with; GST, PST, or any other tax.
C: PROMISE to allow stores to sell incandescent light bulbs.
D: PROMISE to prevent off shore drilling?
E: PROMISE to allow ICBC to license electric cars?
F: PROMISE to roll back Vince Ready’s decision regarding the film industry’s union contracts.
G: PROMISE to enforce the `No Cel phone while driving’ law.
H: PROMISE to change the law to include non electronic items such as; lipstick, notebooks, pocketbooks, flutes, etc.
I: PROMISE to tell us what their position is on all things that matter and not waste our time listening to them running down their opponent(s).
If they are not prepared to entertain any of the above legislative changes then they won’t see me at the polls and we will have another non-popular govt.
Lee A. Wood


The lack of common sense, amongst government employees, whether elected, or hired, never ceases to amaze me.
Although when I see how blindly the general population follows the edicts of the decision makers, I sometimes wonder if there is any difference.
I used to enjoy driving, or walking, around and viewing the beautiful displays of lights put up by; private citizens, corporations, and/or municipalities.
However, after viewing the; weak, tiny, dull, lights that the environmentalists have thrust upon us, I certainly will save my energy and stay home, next Xmas.
Now I am told that we are to forsake the ROUND GLOBES that light our daily lives, the ones that we could buy for less than a dollar, to save the environment by purchasing, at much greater expense, some atrocious looking, twisted, glass, snake that is non-disposable because it is not environmentally friendly.
And before you jump down my throat and start calling me an aniti-enviromentalist, stop and think of how much waste is going to be produced when you have to start throwing out all the old fixtures that won’t be compatible with the new light bulbs.
How many table lamps do you have in your house that have shades that slip over a round bulb. Will the shades fit on the new bulbs? Are you prepared to buy new table lamps? For bulbs that cost you 20 to 50 times more than a regular bulb.
Are you prepared to pay more taxes to buy fixtures in the school gym, exit signs, etc. because the new bulbs aren’t compatible with the old housings.
And are you prepared to pay the gas to run down to the disposal centre every time one of these things burns out – because you can’t throw them in the garbage. Wanna bet?

Tuesday, January 04, 2011


Why is it that every time I go on a holiday, upon my return, I have to visit my favourite dentist?
This time I broke the porcelain off the front of my bridge. Don’t think that isn’t going to cost more then my short trip to Prince George.
My thanks to, Sheila, the cook, for a scrumpdillicous meal. It’s not her fault I bit the fork tine instead of the pork.
And our thanks to Paul for putting us up, and putting up with us.
It was a short hectic holiday, even more hectic when the windshield wipers quit on the way back, during heavy sleet in the Fraser Canyon.
As I said in my last E, my novel - FERO - is finally published. However no one had bought it yet, at least no one has sent me a critique, My Goddaughter read it, half way, through the first chapter and then quit. She said there is too much sex in it and I am a dirty old man. “Thank you“, I replied.
You can find it on AMAZON. If you read it, I would appreciate a critique. You can put it in Amazon as a review, or send it to me and I will add it to my webpage.
In my last E I told you I have some of my photos hanging in a gallery (Smart Frames) in Metrotown, and have posted some on `Zazzle’. -* Also you will now find them at `Frameworks Gallery’ in Prince George.
I have added another baker’s dozen, jokes that is.
Wishing you and yours the best of the season

Saturday, January 01, 2011


I have finally sold my `Big Blue Lemon’. I wrote an article of why you should never buy a Volvo.

Though my pre-Xmas trip to P. G. (Prince George) was short, and hectic, I did find one morning of sunshine, and the time to take some pictures of the old bridge.

I also took some pictures, though most of them turned out blurry, of a lady training her dog, well, actually a horse, but she trains it to do dog type tricks.

When your windshield wipers quit on you, find a store and get some Rainex. At speeds over 20 Km/h it is better than wipers.

As I said in my last E, my novel - FERO - is finally published. However it is still available for free at the bottom of my `NOVEL PAGE’.

Post Xmas was hectic here. Three new computers came into the house. This is coming to you from my, newer, Mac Pro. So, if you are looking for a good G5

Wishing you and yours all the best in the NEW YEAR
Barely (Bear / Lee)