Despite the fact that B. C. kicked out the HST the movie industry stays strong. Actually we are as busy as can be expected with, thanks to the meddling of the Liberal party, our shortage of crews, and studios.
I worked on 3 separate productions last week. Alcatraz, Once Upon a Time, and Secret circle.
Serena has booked China for Dec. and Jan. I will stay home this year, though I might grab a week or two in Mexico or I might go North. It kind of depends on what my doctors have to say. I had two doctor visits this past week and I have five separate specialist to go see over the next four weeks.
Despite the doctor visits, over the past couple of weeks I continue to slog through my website, removing advertising and checking all my links.
As I said last time, Bear’s Page is now `stand alone’. However I am probably only about ¼ of the way through Lee’s Page.
I have had time to go through some pictures and I have added a new page that I hope you will find interesting, even if you are not a fisherman. Read, enjoy. CHAPMAN CR. FISH HATCHERY.
Donate if you wish, it is a worth while charitable organization.
Speaking of `fishing’, Serena caught 30 salmon yesterday, though she was only allowed to keep four. For some stupid reason you have to catch them through the mouth. If you snag them in the tail, or their side, you have to throw them back.
If a hunter wounds a deer, or a bear, he will stay on its trail for hours, or even days, until he kills it. Yet if you wound a fish you have to throw it back, so it can die.
I don’t know what bone head politician, or government employee, made up that stupid rule.
These fish have just left the ocean and some have another thousand miles of; lakes, streams, and waterfalls to negotiate before they get to their spawning grounds. How they are expected to do that with a hole in the guts is beyond my comprehension.
Right now the fish run is so heavy that you could catch the fish with your bear hands. Sat. morning the fisherman lined the shore of the river. It is estimated that there was a fisherman every five feet. And everyone of them was catching and releasing ten wounded fish to one that they could take home.
Literally millions of fish are not going to make it to the spanning grounds because they were wounded and thrown back in the river.
The intelligence of our government continues to amaze my. Though it shouldn’t.
As Mark Twain once wrote, `Never underestimate the expanse of the universe, or the stupidity of mankind.