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Saturday, May 18, 2013


Summer is coming.  School will be out.  And we are going…. going to…..  going to go…... Going to goa …
Yes! Goa!
Look on a map, see the Arabian Sea.  The little town on the edge of India.
Look closer, it is not a little town, it is a state,
Not too many years ago it was a country.
4, 5 hundred years ago when all the European countries were out trying to grab their part of the new world, Portugal took a small handful of the Indian Continent.
Now 60 years after it was repatriated to India, Goa is still home to many buildings of Portuguese architectural design. The Portuguese language, though slowly being replaced by English, is still not uncommon. Of course all the languages of India are spoken as are many other languages.
Goa has ever been an international destination. Surrounded by India on three sides it is bordered on the West by one, almost continuous, beach.
Naturally resorts abound, from mom an pop B & Bs to large 5 star luxury developments.
As well as having a; large, modern, international, airport, it is also a port of call for cruise ship lines and home port to ocean, and river, cruises.
As a couple, or a family, for a summer to remember, remember Goa when you are trying to decide where to go(a) this summer.
For more information visit my website or contact me.
Have a great summer.

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