Have I ever told you how much I hate goggle. I have had this blog for years. Long before Guugle was ever heard of. How it became gobble I have no idea. Now that I have joined Centre Holidays they have supplied me with; a website, an E mail, a Twitter, a Face Book page, and a You Tube account.
Had I known they would all be Gabble accounts I probably wouldn't have joined.
Goog + got into the act and now I can't separate my personal accounts from my company accounts.
I spend more time tying to separate them than I do posting, or reading, and I am really getting sick of it.
I am so pissed off that I am tempted to sell my MAC and get a Winn... NO, No, not that, anything but that.
Wouldn't do me any good anyway. Gigle controls Windows as much, if not more than, Mac.
And of course trying to get in touch with the clowns that own the stupid software and explain to them the mess they are making is about as sensible as banging your head against the wall.
I tried to up load a video to my You Tube account. Don't ask me where it went. Some stupid Youtube account somewhere, but not mine. When I try to find my you tub account I find a website that says it is mine but it is full of stuff that I never put here.
Why do I bother, you are all in love with google.
If you happen to stumble across my video, about Tuxpan, tell it to go home, it belongs at http://www.youtube.com/user/Bear39224?ob=0&feature=results_main I think.
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