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Sunday, April 03, 2011


Ignatieff is offering old age pensioners an increase of $600 on their old age pension. However it will reduce the amount of their Supplement. They will still end up with the same max allowable per month.
In B. C. we kicked out the premier because he brought in HST. However the party, though it has changed its leader, has not changed its policy. If the Liberals are reelected we will still be stuck with HST.
Federally if we reelect the present PM we will still be stuck with HST.
Why is it that political leaders never do what the people want? Is this not a democracy?
We are supposed to be a democratic country yet all leaders, of political parties, have not been invited to a debate. Granted the other parties have no possibility of wining an election but they could probably, during a debate, reveal the falsehoods of the two bigger parties.
So who do we vote for?
None of them. Then the party we want least will get in, again. That is what has happened in every election in the past century.
Election after election we go to the polls and vote for the one we dislike the least. None of the parties have the guts to stand up and promise anything. All they are capable of is running down the opposition and telling us what the other parties won’t do.
What we need in this country is a pay scale that will attract people who know something.
Our present pay scale for political offices is set at attracting people who have little knowledge but much greed. If we offered the Prime Minister a sufficient wage we could get someone that knows what they are doing. People who are knowledgeable are too busy making money to waste their time with politics.

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