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Tuesday, June 26, 2012

Thank you for viewing my videos , and reading my novel .
Not working on my videos, actually not working, has left me a lot of time, when I am not visiting doctors, to work on my website.
Over the past few weeks I have had: 2 ultra sounds, bladder and throat; two CT scans, kidney & brain; three 360 degree x-rays; upper and lower jaw, two of which were used to make a 3D view of my teeth; plus a complete blood work up. 
Now I am just waiting for results and a date for an MRI of my knee.
I added some more pictures to my Alberta highway 3 page .
And I added some more pictures to my Saskatchewan highway 16 page .
I also added another page to my Alberta section, - Hwy. 4 .
And I added another page to my USA section, - Montana .

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