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Wednesday, August 22, 2012


I started my website about 15 yrs. ago.  I now have over 1,500 pages and over 150,000 photos and I have always stuck to hand built HTML so that people with really old computers can read it even if they can’t see the pictures.
I had two websites, that were mirrors of each other.  A year or so ago I separated them so that one had stuff that I don’t add to very often and the other had the stuff that I regularly add to.
Recently the rent came up on the domain name for Bear’s Page so I dropped it and added its contents to Lee’s Page.
When I did this the HTML changed on the home page for my novel .
In the middle of the page I have two lists. In each list I separate the items with <p><li>
This caused them to run, on the page, one below the other.
However, for some reason, after I added that page to Lee’s Page the fist list now runs at an angle across the page in 3 separate groups.
The second list stayed the same. Although it laps over onto the fist group so I would like to separate them.
I kind of like the way it is now but I don’t understand where all the `table html’ came from and I need to change it to separate the bottom list from the top list and to make a split between Chpt. 10 and 11.
I have tried several times but all I do is screw it up.
I was wondering if you have any suggestions?
The HTML used to look like this (and still does for the second list).
<p><li>To download Acrobat Reader, <a href=""><img src="/h/no/a/a1.jpg" border="0" height="19" width="55"> click here.</a>
<p><li>To download the <a href="/h/no/FeroE.pdf"><img src="/h/no/a/fs.jpg" width=110 height=95 align=middle alt="(Book titled `Fero' between bookends)"> entire novel as an E File,</a> (For E Book reader) 
Now the HTML for the first list looks like this
<li><a href="/h/no/ch11.html">Chapter Eleven  CHARENE `54</a>
 <p><table border="0" cellspacing="0" align="left"><tr>
<th><img src="/h/no/a/11s.jpg" width="110" height="106" border="0" alt="Monk">
<p>Her life, as a Monk, until she moves to Canada and meets Trevor.  
<li><a href="/h/no/ch12.html">Chapter Twelve  TREVOR</a>
<p><table border="0" cellspacing="0" align="left"><tr>
<th><img src="/h/no/a/12s.jpg" width="110" height="105" border="0" alt="prison guard">
<p>Joins the Wolseley Expedition to Ft. Garry.  Becomes a prison guard, meets Charene.  Joins the N.W.M.P. `March West' to Ft. McLeod, spring of 1874. 

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