Last night at work (The Killing) I mentioned to a fellow driver that there was no point in voting for NDP because they won't promise to bring back our seniority.
He replied, "You can't bring it back. It is gone. it is law."
Well, isn't that the whole point of electing a new Government, to change the law.
That's what governments do. They; make, break, and change laws.
The whole point of electing a new government is to get rid of the old laws that we don't like and get new laws that we do like.
However no new government is going to change the laws if we don't tell them which ones we want changed and how we want them changed.
Invariably we elect new officials to office and the reason we elect them is to undo the laws the previous officials had made. But they never change them.
Why, because they are too busy with their own agenda.
Now, during the pre election campaign trail, is when we need to tell them what we want.
We have to make them realize that if they want our vote, they need to put our agenda ahead of theirs.
That is what democracy is about.
It isn't important that you go to the meetings, and rallies, of a particular party.
You need to go to every rally and every meeting of every candidate, of every party.
You need to use; mail, E mail, phone calls, meetings, whatever it takes, to impress upon, ALL, candidates, regardless of their party affiliation, that if they want your vote they have to promise to do what you want when they get in power.
If the last party passed a law saying your union can not dispatch according to seniority then you must tell all candidates that you want that law rescinded and then vote for the cnadidate that promises to do so, regardless of what party he is a member of.
That my friends is how democracy works.
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